Bridging the Safety Vision Gear Gap with ANSI Prescription Safety Glasses

According to United Press International, the year 2020 saw a tripling in anxiety and other mental health disorders. In light of the anxiety that seems to be increasing nationwide, it's imperative to insert workable controls in the workplace to prevent potential hazards from happening. Because of the valid health concerns of many, employers and their employees have approached on-site work with a heightened sense of concern and caution.

​What can employers do to bring a sense of normalcy to a chaotic environment? To lower anxiety levels and improve work conditions and morale, Bridge Vision Safety offers ANSI prescription safety glasses.

How Do Safety Glasses Frames Prevail Against Chaos?

What tools do you use to keep peace at work? Navigating a new world of health concerns can seem overwhelming. Adding reliable safety gear to your repertoire of problem-solving tools can assuage the urge to panic and prepare a site for productivity and success. It's not easy to be the calm in the proverbial storm or the safeguard against "what may happen" or "what could happen." The Bridge Safety Vision online platform is a valuable resource for those who are striving to ensure safety is a top priority, giving access to safety glasses frames and ANSI prescription safety glasses for employers to equip their employees against the "maybes."

High-quality safety glasses frames and OSHA-approved ANSI prescription safety glasses meet the needs of individuals seeking out opportunities to be successful in a Post-covid society. They appreciate the intuition of companies that have centered their focus around creating a stress-free, secure workspace. And in a time when reassurances come few and far between, large companies have appreciated the promise of efficiency the Bridge Safety Vision digital payment platform has provided to their associates.

Getting to Know ANSI Prescription Safety Glasses

​What does it take to produce quality eye protection to safeguard your eyes from harmful damage? ANSI prescription safety glasses are often the only protection against the 2,000 eye injuries on-the-job that occur each day.

Bridging the Safety Vision Gear Gap with ANSI Prescription Safety Glasses - ANSI Z87 frames

Not only do employees want to avoid painful injuries, but they also want to avoid the extensive bills they may have to pay after requiring medical attention.

ANSI prescription safety glasses are a worthy catalyst for a company like Bridge Safety Vision. Why? Because they protect the interests of every person they come in contact with just like Bridge Safety Vision strives to do. ANSI prescription safety glasses are the first line of defense against:

  • Impact injury
  • Radiation (non-ionizing)
  • Liquid splashing (chemicals)
  • Particles like dust and dirt

How do you keep eye injuries from happening? ANSI prescription glasses stop harmful materials from irritating eyes with better eye coverage and design features, so your employees won't have the urge to touch their eyes and turn what might have been a mild irritant into an emergency!

ANSI prescription safety glasses have to meet certain safety standards and undergo testing to be certified. For many employees who work in occupations that require:

  • Machinery operation
  • Material welding
  • Cutting
  • Handling of chemicals
  • Operations that require assembly

​The proven wall of defense ANSI prescription safety glasses provide allows employees to complete their tasks with confidence that they'll be protected. How do you keep anxiety levels low and productivity and an all-time high? Bridge Safety Vision brings high-quality eye gear to the people who need it most!

Try Bridge Safety Vision and See For Yourself!

If you want to instill a sense of calm in your community of dedicated workers and help them see the importance of using prescription safety glasses over prescription glasses, Bridge Safety Vision is the perfect vehicle for driving that message of security home! In a few simple steps, you or your human resources team and/or safety managers can claim digital payment cards for quality products like ANSI prescription safety glasses, to give to employees when it is convenient for them.

Business owners, managers, and employees can agree that having an efficient way of accessing ANSI prescription safety glasses is best. The Bridge Safety Vision platform avoids sample glass kits, delivery wait times, and the need to collect employee prescriptions and then fill out the order forms. Instead, your resource team can get online, download digital payment cards, give them to employees, and let your employees and Bridge Safety Vision do the rest.

Has the digital payment card been used correctly for the right product? Have your employees turned in their digital payment cards? Bridge Safety Vision reports back to you to show you a behind-the-scenes look at what has been accomplished. With premium-quality ANSI prescription safety glasses within reach and Bridge Safety Vision directing your employees to a safer way to see, you can combat the anxiety (your own and your employees) and help them discover how you care about what they care about.

Safety, the ability to work for themselves, and to work in a worry-free environment, those common needs when met, help connect you with your employees. Bridge Safety Vision is a platform that keeps your employees center stage as you help boost their confidence and ease their anxiety at a time when even the day-to-day seems a little unsafe!

Bridging the Safety Vision Gear Gap with ANSI Prescription Safety Glasses - Construction worker with prescription safety glasses

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